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入秋以来,天气转凉,感冒的人也渐渐多了起来。葱豉豆腐汤不但味美可口,还能帮您抵御风寒,预防感冒、缓解感冒症状,可谓一举多得。取豆腐1块、葱白2根、淡豆豉20克。将豆腐切块,葱白切段,淡豆豉洗净,在烧热的炒锅中倒入适量的食用油,然后放入豆腐块,煎至两面金黄,再倒入淡豆豉、姜片和清水。大火烧至开锅后,改小火烧30分钟,最后放入葱白和盐,略煮一下即可食用。淡豆豉具有发汗解表的功效,与葱白和豆腐搭配,可清热消炎,适合缓解外感风 Since the autumn, the weather turns cooler, and people who catch a cold are gradually getting more. Green onion tofu soup not only delicious and delicious, but also help you to withstand the cold, prevent colds, relieve the symptoms of cold, can serve multiple purposes. Take a piece of tofu, 2 light blue, light soy sauce 20 grams. The tofu cut, cut into sections of green onions, light green beans Wash, pour the right amount of edible oil in a hot wok, and then into the tofu block, fry until golden brown on both sides, and then into the light soy sauce, ginger and water. After the big fire to boil, change small fire for 30 minutes, and finally into the light blue and salt, a little boiled for edible. Spearmint has the efficacy of sweating table, with light blue and tofu with heat-inflammatory anti-inflammatory, suitable for ease the wind
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学生的阅读能力直接影响学生的语言组织能力和表达能力,但是如何提高学生的语文阅读能力呢?应从以下几个方面进行。一、深思 Students' reading ability directly affects s
Preliminary estimates indicate that Chi-nese refined zinc production increasedonly moderately in 1996 from 1995’slevels(up by 41.000t to 1.118 mt).However.thi
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历史同其他科目一样,其目的是为培养有思维、有见解、有创造性的人才奠定基础。在实施素质教育的今天,教师在培养学生的创新意识,学生的综合素质方面任重道远。  培养学生创新精神,即培养学生在接近客观历史原貌的前提下对历史现象的认识,加强学生创新思维的培养,我认为有几下几点:  1.从不同的角度看待历史现象,自然会得到不同的历史结论,然后帮助学生自己去评价。这种培养学生创新思维的方法称之为“角度创新”。例