醋的巧用1 打嗝的时候喝点醋就不会打了,效果很好!2 醋对维生素起到很好的保护作用。每逢烧荤菜时加酒后再加点醋,菜就会变得香喷喷的,味道也更佳,营养也得到了保障。如煮排骨时放点醋,可使排骨中的钙、磷、铁等矿物质溶解出来,利于吸收,营养价值更高。豆芽之类的素菜中加点醋可使其中的维生素不被破坏,味道好营养更好。有些菜肴放醋时需恰到好处,如烧糖醋鱼块时,最好在即将
The clever use of vinegar hiccups when drinking a little vinegar will not play, the effect is very good! 2 vinegar on the vitamins play a very good protective effect. Whenever meat dishes add wine and then add some vinegar, vegetables will become fragrant, the taste is better, nutrition has also been protected. Such as cooking ribs put some vinegar, ribs can make calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals dissolved, which will help absorption, higher nutritional value. Bean sprouts and other vegetables add some vinegar can not be destroyed in the vitamins, good nutrition better. Some dishes put vinegar just right, such as burning sweet and sour fish, the best in the upcoming