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NEC 不仅以多年丰富的系统集成经验全力协助CEInet 的建设,而且一直致力于为客户提供更完善的服务体系。NEC 日电系统集成(中国)有限公司现有员工140余人,其中技术人员占70%以上,雄厚的技术力量是提供良好服务的有力保证。公司的共通技术部,即公司的技术储备部门,对整个公司提供技术支持并收集相关产品资料。同时,技术人员定期去日本、台湾等地轮训,不断补充先进知识。该部门现正计划与公司相关的供应商,如 HP、Cisco、Sun、3Com 等建立长期的合作关系,接受他们的培训,取得认证资格,以便更好地为公司的客户提供更广泛的服务。同时,为及时响应用户需求,公司还设立了专门的客户服务部,为本地用户提供24小时对应服务、外地用户72小时现场对应服务。在过去的1年多时间里,NEC 的售后服务得到了用户们的高度评价。此外,公司还设立了充足的备件库,保证满足客户日常服务的各种需求。公司的分设机构也不断扩大,现已在上海、成都建立了办事处。并计划在广州、西安、厦门等地建立新的办事处,以便为全国各地的客户提供更完善、更优良的服务。 NEC not only assists in the construction of CEInet with years of rich system integration experience, but also has always been committed to providing customers with a better service system. NEC Solar System Integration (China) Co., Ltd. currently employs more than 140 people, of which technical personnel account for more than 70%, and strong technical force is a strong guarantee for providing good services. The company’s common technology department, which is the company’s technical reserve department, provides technical support to the entire company and collects relevant product information. At the same time, technicians regularly go to Japan, Taiwan, and other places to train and continuously supplement advanced knowledge. The department is currently planning to establish long-term partnerships with company-related suppliers, such as HP, Cisco, Sun, 3Com, etc., to receive their training and obtain certification for better service for the company’s customers. At the same time, in order to respond to user needs in a timely manner, the company has also set up a dedicated customer service department to provide local users with 24-hour correspondence services and field users 72-hour on-site counterpart services. In the past more than one year, NEC’s after-sales service has been highly valued by users. In addition, the company also established a sufficient spare parts library to ensure that it meets the various needs of customers’ daily services. The company’s branch offices have also expanded and now have offices in Shanghai and Chengdu. And plans to establish new offices in Guangzhou, Xi’an, Xiamen and other places in order to provide better and better services to customers across the country.
英国 GPT 公司与意大利马可尼SPA 通信公司近日在英国顺利地完成了企业合并,并将在’98中国国际通信设备技术展览会(PT/EXPOCOMM CHINA ′98)上以新的形象——“马可尼通信
近几年,随着反腐的深入,改作风的深化,公务接待上务实勤俭已经成为风尚,铺张浪费的歪风邪气正在逐渐收敛。所以,“香辣海螺,四百九十八元/份;刺身响螺,四百九十八元/份;龙虾两吃,四百九十八元/份……”这样豪气的公务接待菜单一经曝光,迅速成为舆论聚焦的热点。目前确凿的事实是,事发单位贵州织金县水务局接待很奢华,后果很严重。据报道,该局一名副局长已被免职,并在电视上做出公开检讨。   该局先后四次在餐
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