一媒体图景不可否认的是,视觉正在扮演着越来越重要的角色:你可以透过电视新闻画面,看到这个世界正在发生的一切;你可以用Google Earth鸟瞰地球上的任何一个角落;如果你要检查一下自己的身体,那么B超、X射线、核磁共振等等造像技术可以将你身体的几乎一切活动都转变成可视图式;你还可以足不出户,借助网络参观虚拟的博物馆,作一次虚拟的旅行……这一切都是诉诸视觉的——它“越来越趋于把那些本身并非视觉性的东西予以视觉化”——图像不
It is undeniable that a visual landscape is playing an increasingly important role: you can see what’s happening in this world through the TV news footage; you can use Google Earth to see a bird’s eye view of any part of the globe; if You have to examine your body, then B-ultrasound, X-ray, MRI and so on can make almost all the activities of your body into a visual schema; you can also stay at home, using the Internet to visit the virtual museum , Make a virtual trip ... It’s all about visual appeal - it’s “increasingly visualizing things that are not themselves visually” - images are not