患者陈××,男性,60岁,因呕吐、全身发麻、抽筋一个多小时,于1980年12月31日入院。住院号169313。入院当天吃中午饭时,饮自泡药酒一两半,于12时10分感头昏、头痛、全身发麻、抽筋、上腹抽痛,疑为药酒中毒,即乘车急诊,途中恶心、呕吐数次,吐出食物残渣少许。下午1时许住院。体检:T36℃,P92次/分,R 24次/分,Bp80/60mmHg,急性病容,神清,烦躁不安,额部冒汗,口唇肢端发绀,四肢冷,瞳孔等园,对光反射正常,颈软,呼吸音粗糙,心率92次/分,律整,无病理性杂音,腹软,上腹轻压痛,肝脾未及,肠鸣音正常。化验检
Patient Chen × ×, male, 60 years old, due to vomiting, numbness, cramps more than an hour, December 31, 1980 admission. Hospital number 169313. On the day of admission to eat lunch, drank half a dozen drinks from 12 to 10, at 12: 10 feeling dizzy, headache, body numbness, cramps, abdominal pain, suspected drug poisoning, that emergency car ride, the way nausea, Vomit several times, spit out a little food residue. 1 o’clock in the afternoon. Physical examination: T36 ℃, P92 / min, R 24 beats / min, Bp80 / 60mmHg, acute disease, Shen Qing, restlessness, forehead sweating, lips acne, extremities cold, pupil and other Park, the light reflex normal , Neck soft, rough breathing sounds, heart rate 92 beats / min, law, no pathological murmur, abdominal soft, tender abdominal tenderness, liver and spleen not, bowel sounds normal. Laboratory examination