去年,上海重型机器厂煤气站发生过一起事故。大量煤气冲破排送机出口水封外泄,致使三人中毒(其中一人昏迷近4小时)。虽未引起人身死亡,仍属严重的生产责任事故。总管煤气倒压三台排送机在出口与煤气输出总管之间,各设有一条U型管水封呈并联形式。事故前,排送机1号正在运行,2号停机备用,3号则停机保养。 1981年8月23日(星期日)10时30分左右,输出总管煤气压力高于排送机的正常操作压力100~150毫米汞柱。在用户负荷突然变动时,总管煤气倒压,冲破正在进行保养的3号排送机出口水封,大量煤气从打开的机盖内外泄。当时,一名值班工去食堂用膳不在场,另一名发现总管煤气压力突然下降,3号机出口水封被冲破,即去关3号机出口阀,两名机炉工闻讯也去协助。于是,这三位同志就在阀门处相继倒地。
Last year, an accident occurred at the Shanghai Heavy Machinery Plant gas station. A large number of gas broke through the outlet of the discharge machine and caused the poisoning of three people (one of whom was unconscious for nearly 4 hours). Although it did not cause personal death, it was still a serious accident of production responsibility. The three gas discharge pipes of the main pipe between the outlet and the gas output manifold each have a U-shaped pipe water seal in parallel. Prior to the accident, the No. 1 exhauster was running, No. 2 was shut down, and No. 3 was shut down. At about 10.30 a.m. on Sunday, August 23, 1981, the output manifold gas pressure was 100-150 mm Hg above the discharger’s normal operating pressure. When the user’s load changes abruptly, the mains gas is overpressured, breaking the outlet seal of the No. 3 discharger being maintained, and a large amount of gas leaks from the opened cover. At the time, one of the on-duty workers was not present at the dining hall with meals. Another found that the mains gas pressure suddenly dropped. The outlet seal of No. 3 machine was broken. It was to shut off the outlet valve of No. 3 machine. The two furnace workers heard the news. assist. Thus, the three comrades fell to the ground at the valve.