Among the many factors influencing breastfeeding, socioeconomic and demographic factors can not be ignored. This study aimed to explore the impact of socio-demographic factors on breast-feeding time. The application of the survey data from the “Methods of Using Contraceptives to Marriageable Reproductive Women of Rural China” According to the life table method, the results showed that the postpartum women in Jiangsu Province had a lactation rate of 97.6% and an average lactation time of 14.4 months. Among them, 20.7 months for the southern region of 12.6 months. The results of the proportional hazard model analysis further indicate that the main influencing factors are residential areas, women’s reproductive age, infant’s gender, place of delivery, women’s education, and their careers and their husband’s careers. In the economically disadvantaged regions, women of childbearing age groups, male babies, husbands engaged in agriculture, women as illiterate, and infants born at home have longer periods of lactation. After controlling for other socio-demographic factors, there are still differences in the time limit for lactation between regions, which may be related to the different cultural customs of southern Jiangsu and northern Jiangsu. For the influencing factors to take appropriate measures to make it conducive to women to extend the full time of breastfeeding.