A high-dexterity low-degree-of-freedom hybrid manipulator structure for robotic lion dance

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & E | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:APIer
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Lion dance is a very popular and lively Chinese traditional art form.A robotic project in Singapore has been dedicated to the design and demonstration for similar traditional art forms using modern mechatronics technology.This paper deals with a novel six-degree-of-freedom (6-DOF) hybrid manipulator with high stiffness,high loading capability and high dexterity,mimicking the lion dancer’s upper body motions along with the lion head movements.The design of the hybrid manipulator consists of a 2-DOF torso structure in serial configuration and a 4-DOF dual arm structure in parallel configuration.The combined 6-DOF hybrid manipulator can support the weight and dynamics of the lion head during the lion dance performance.Forward kinematics of the manipulator has been formulated and visualized for design purposes.Inverse kinematics of the hybrid manipulator were analytically derived for real-time motion control.Based on the design and modeling,a complete hybrid manipulator has been fabricated,implemented into the robotic lion,and successfully demonstrated for real robotic lion dance performance. Lion dance is a very popular and lively Chinese traditional art form. A robotic project in Singapore has been dedicated to the design and demonstration for similar traditional art forms using modern mechatronics technology. This paper deals with a novel six-degree-of-freedom ( 6-DOF) hybrid manipulator with high stiffness, high loading capability and high dexterity, mimicking the lion dancer’s upper body motions along with the lion head movements. The design of the hybrid manipulator consists of a 2-DOF torso structure in serial configuration and a 4-DOF dual arm structure in parallel configuration. The combined 6-DOF hybrid manipulator can support the weight and dynamics of the lion head during the lion dance performance. Forward kinematics of the manipulator has been formulated and visualized for design purposes. Inverse kinematics of the hybrid manipulator were analytically derived for real-time motion control. Based on the design and modeling, a complete hybrid manipulator has been fabricated , implemented into the robotic lion, and successfully demonstrated for real robotic lion dance performance.
我终于赶上回老家的公交车,不料车上人很拥挤,挤得我几乎透不过气来,好不容易找了个靠窗位置坐下来,才舒了一口气。  虽说现在公交车是无人售票了,但在这些往返于城乡间的客车上,还是有人“站岗”的。这不,车上那位年轻的女售票员售完票后,坐在车门旁的位置漫不经心地开始嗑瓜子,两眼望着窗外那个繁华的世界,一会儿还转过头来,用鄙夷的眼光望着满车乱哄哄的人说:“挤什么挤,觉得人多,坐小轿车去!”我打量了她一下,
你离开家已经有一年了,在他乡可好?我还清楚地记得,你在离开家的前一天,我克制住自己的情绪,平淡地说:“总算可以安静了。”我的内心是那样的复杂。你听后迟疑了一下,然后对我微微一笑,便走开了。你离开家的那天,我没有去送行,因为我害怕看到你的脸,更怕听到你对我的诸多要求。你离开后的那几天,我每天睡觉都梦到你的好和你的笑脸。当醒来时,眼角两旁已有泪痕,如果思念是静静的溪水,是否能映出你的笑脸?  思念是长
年华似水,不少事情已经模糊,唯独初二的“扑克风波”至今依然记忆犹新。  那时,不少同学觉得学习既累又无聊,便对学习渐渐失去了兴趣。  有一天,一位同学带来了一副扑克牌。这下可不得了,随之班上掀起了一场风波。  刚开始,只有一小部分同学玩扑克牌,而且还是比较收敛一点的——只在放学后或体育课上打扑克,打扑克时的眼睛还不住地向门口望,观察有没有老师路过,以防被老师逮个正着。随着时间的推移,不少同学被感染