In order to study the weak links and influential factors of the high-temperature durability of dissimilar steel welded joints, the basement and the welding wire with the same physical structure were used to manufacture the joint of the test board with transitional layer according to the actual welding process. Durability testing of the joints showed that most of the specimens were fractured in the fusion zone between the transitional layers. Metallographic observation, microhardness test, composition analysis and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observation show that the fusion zone in the transitional layer has a softening layer, which leads to the concentration of strain and therefore easy to crack. The formation of the softened layer is due to the large difference in the Cr content between the transitional layers, causing the C element to migrate to the higher Cr content side, thereby forming a carbon lean zone and reducing the hardness. The difference in crystallographic orientation at the fusion zone in the transition zone can also adversely affect the durability of the joint. Optimizing the composition of the wire alloy and improving the welding process improve the durability of dissimilar steel welded joints.