1931年九一八事变后 ,日本由向中国输入鸦片逐步发展到在中国占领区大量种植鸦片 ,1936年前后蒙疆地区被强迫大面积种植罂粟。 1939年到 194 5年 ,日军和伪政权通过调整鸦片政策 ,实行清查制、“大鸦片政策” ,致使蒙疆地区鸦片烟毒极度泛滥。日本侵略者利用毒品这把双刃剑 ,在把中国人变成“东亚病夫”、“大烟鬼”、亡国奴的过程中 ,不断膨胀着长期占领中国、奴役中华民族的狂妄野心。一方面制造着荼毒生灵的罪恶渊薮 ,一方面满足着侵略者掠夺占领的强盗欲望。日伪在蒙疆推行的毒品政策 ,是蒙疆烟毒的祸根 ,是日军在精神上侵华、彻底灭亡中华民族“国策”的一个重要组成部分
After the September 18, 1931 incident in Japan, Japan gradually imported opium from China into opium cultivation areas in the occupied territories in China. In 1936, opium poppy cultivation was forced on a large area in the Mongolian area. From 1939 to 1954, the Japanese and the pseudo-regime led to the extreme proliferation of opium in the Xinjiang region through the adjustment of the opium policy, the implementation of the inventory system and the “big opium policy.” Using the double-edged sword of drugs, the Japanese invaders constantly inflated the arrogant ambitions of occupying China and enslaving the Chinese nation during the process of turning the Chinese into a “sick man of East Asia,” a “smoker,” and a slave nation. On the one hand, it creates the sinful abyss of poisonous creatures and on the other hand satisfies the robber’s desire to plunder and occupy aggressors on the one hand. The drug policy pursued by the puppet troops in Mongolia was the root cause of the drug abuse in Mongolia and an important part of the “national policy” of the Chinese nation, which spiritually invaded China and completely perish