一、冷战后时期的世界经济格局:转折与特点 1.世界经济的大战略背景——从“冷战”到“冷和平”的嬗变美苏两极格局解体后,新的多极化世界正在出现,各种力量角逐竞争和分化组合的过程尚未完成。在这个过渡期中的世界经济不可避免地被打上深深的烙印。布什去年1月“总统咨文”中根据苏联的解体宣告“资本主义的胜利”,但如今“胜利的阴影正在悄悄地接近”——这是1945年2月临近德国投降之时邱吉尔首相就战后英国所作的预言,用来形容冷战后的世界形势倒也显得贴切。
I. The World Economic Pattern in the Post-Cold War Period: Turning Point and Features 1. The Great Strategic Background of the World Economy - The Evolution from “Cold War” to “Cold Peace.” After the disintegration of the bipolar structure of the United States and the Soviet Union, a new multipolar world is emerging. The process of competing for competing and diverging combinations has not yet been completed. The world economy will inevitably be deeply imprinted during this transitional period. In his “presidential address” last January, Bush declared “the victory of capitalism” according to the dissolution of the Soviet Union. But “the shadow of victory is now quietly approaching” - this is the result of the war Winnich Churchill on the verge of Germany’s surrender in February 1945 The prophecy made by the British to describe the world situation after the Cold War is also quite appropriate.