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影视繁荣发展呼唤科学健康的影视评价标准文艺评价标准是文艺评论中的一个关键问题,是正确开展文艺评论工作、加强对文艺产品创作生产的引导的前提和基础。建立科学健康的影视评价标准,坚持先进文化的前进方向,坚持思想性、知识性、艺术性、观赏性统一,对影视创作人员、广大观众以及政府决策部门有着重要的影响,也将对当前我国的文艺发展、繁荣、推动有中国特色的文化建设起到正面积极的作用。构建科学健康的影视评价标准是当代中国文化 Film and television prosperity and development called for scientific and technical standards of film and television evaluation of literary and art evaluation criteria is a critical issue in literary criticism is the right to carry out the work of literary criticism and strengthen the creation of literature and art products to guide the premise and foundation. The establishment of a scientific and healthy evaluation standard for film and television, adhering to the direction of advanced culture, insisting on ideological, intellectual, artistic and ornamental reunification have an important influence on the film and television production personnel, the general public and the government decision-making departments. Development, prosperity, and promote the cultural construction with Chinese characteristics play a positive and positive role. Film and television evaluation of the construction of scientific and healthy standard of contemporary Chinese culture
近年来,延边州商务局以大力发展农村电子商务作为助推农村商贸流通的重要切入点,立足全州農特产品资源丰富的优势,抓住政策和市场两大机遇,坚持政府推动、市场主导、企业主体、社会参与的原则,加快农村电子商务发展。  一直以来,延边州高度重视电商工作,专门成立了州电商领导小组及电商办,将州电商办设在延边州商务局,并组建了州电商协会,切实加强对农村电商工作的组织领导;各县市、各成员单位也积极组建电商组织机构,