内抓素质 外树形象——镇平县国税局强化精神文明建设 推动整体工作创一流

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镇平县国税局认真贯彻落实党的十四届六中全会精神,坚持“两手抓,两手都要硬”的方针.针对新时期“法治、公平、文明、效率”的治税思想和保持廉洁从税的特殊要求,大力加强精神文明建设,以文明单位建设统揽全局,收到了良好成效.两年来从零起步实现了“文明单位”建设“满堂红”,局机关被命名为“市级文明单位”,文明单位建设两年迈出两大步,有力地推动了税收工作的顺利进行.去年,该局被市局评为目标管理特等奖.纪检监察和综合治理工作分别被市局和市政府评为先进单位,取得了物质文明和精神文明双丰收.其具体作法是:一、领导重视,督促检查经常化.镇平县国税局把精神文明建设放在了事关国税事业成败的高度.一是摆正位置,坚持三个“第一”,即新人上岗把好精神文明建设第一关、教育培训好精神文明第一课、工作岗位守好精神文明建设第一线.二是对外采取“走出去,请进来”的办法,县局主要领导经常加强与市、县文明委的联系,勤请示.多汇报.及时取得市、县文明委对全局精神文明建设的指导:对内实行“三抓带”.抓领导带群众、抓机关带基层、抓基层带全局,并建立了一把手亲自抓.主管领导具体抓,班子成员一起抓,有关部门配合抓的精神文明建设工作网络,保证了精神文明建设的有效开展.三是狠抓落实,做到“三同时? Zhenping County Internal Revenue Service conscientiously implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Party, adhere to the “two hand grasp, both hands should be hard.” In view of the new era of “rule of law, fairness, civilization, efficiency,” the idea of ​​tax administration and to maintain integrity In light of the special requirements of the taxation, we vigorously stepped up the building of spiritual civilization and took the overall situation with the construction of civilized units and received good results. In the past two years, the building of “civilized units” has been “filled with fame and fortune” from scratch and the bureau has been named “municipal civilization Units ”civilized unit two steps taken two years, effectively promoted the smooth progress of the tax work last year, the council was the Municipal Board as a special award for target management. Discipline inspection and supervision and comprehensive management by the Municipal Bureau and the city The government as an advanced unit, has made a double harvest of material and spiritual civilization.The specific practices are: First, leaders attach importance to and urge the inspection to be normalized.Zhenping County IRS spiritual civilization construction is related to the success or failure of the national tax First, put the position, adhere to the three “first”, that is, newcomers to the construction of good spiritual civilization the first pass, education and training of the first class of spiritual civilization, work well keep the construction of spiritual civilization The second is to take the “going out, please come in” approach, the county leaders often strengthen the municipal and county civilized committee contacts, diligent please show .More reports .Timely obtain city and county civilized committee of the overall spiritual civilization construction Guidance: The implementation of “three grasping belt.” Grasping the leadership with the masses, grasping the organs with the grass roots, grasping the grass-roots with the overall situation, and established a number of personally grasp the leadership in charge, the team members together, the relevant departments to grasp the spiritual civilization Construction of work network, to ensure the effective development of spiritual civilization .Three is to pay close attention to the implementation of "three simultaneous?
通过明确《建筑结构》课程的性质和作用,阐明根据课程目标,如何构建教学内容和教学方法,实现中职建筑工程施工专业学生能力的培养业。 By clarifying the nature and functi
第一条 为了规范文化事业建设费的征收管理,促进社会主义文化事业的健康发展,制定本办法。 第二条 在中华人民共和国境内依照《中华人民共和国营业税暂行条例》的规定缴纳娱
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