奥地利作家古斯特夫,梅林写过一则寓言:一只蜈蚣跳了一个优雅的舞蹈。癞蛤蟆看后对他说:“我有一点搞不明白,你怎么知道先动哪条腿呢?第二次、第七次或第一万次动时,又是哪条腿呢?你在动第十六条腿时,第四十八腿又在干什么呢?……”蜈蚣听了迷惑不已,竟然惊恐地瘫倒在地。 鲁道夫·阿恩海姆在其《对美术教学的意见》一书中,在“艺术可以教吗”小标题下引用了这个寓言,这个寓言确实很有趣味,它实际上包含了艺术教育理论中的一些基本问题:教育的目的是什么?艺术在教育中的地位是什么?艺术能不能教?教什么和怎样教?等等。对这些问题,一个世纪以来,欧美有不少艺术家和教育家
Austrian writer Gustav, Merlin wrote a fable: a centipede jumped an elegant dance. Toad looked at him and said: “I have a little do not understand, how do you know which first move leg? The second, the seventh or the first million move, which is the leg? You are moving Sixteenth leg, the forty-eighth leg and doing? ... ... ”Centipede listened confused, actually collapsed in horror to the ground. Rudolf Arnheim, in his book Opinion on Art Teaching, cites this allegory under the heading “Can art teach?”, Which is indeed very interesting. It actually contains the theory of art education Some of the basic questions: What is the purpose of education? What is the status of art in education? Can art teach and what to teach? For these problems, there have been many artists and educators in Europe and the United States over the past century