There is an antinomy tendency similar to the “two-level compromise” in the Japanese way of thinking. In Japanese modern Asian understanding also empathy. Until the eve of the “September 18th” incident, on the point of how to confront the Asian aggression of the Western powers, the intellectual elites, politicians and even ordinary citizens are basically identical in their perceptions that they should absorb the advanced technology of the West Culture, political system, industrialization of colonialism, civilized culture, and strengthening the armed forces in order to rank among the world powers. However, the attitude of the Japanese in dealing with the neighboring countries or regions is by no means the same. In other words, from the perspective of the theory of the completeness of modernity, the two sounds that coincide with the plantar exist simultaneously. If we apply the dichotomies to compare them, we can conclude that there is a diametrically opposed way of saying “Asia-off theory” and “Asia oneness theory.”