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位于祖国西南边陲,神奇而美丽的西双版纳,是一颗璀璨的明珠。这里处处莽莽林海,藤木交错,鸟雀啼鸣,生机盎然。它既有丰富的动、植物和矿藏资源,也是绚丽多姿的民族民间文化艺术宝库,长期以来,为亿万人所瞩目。西双版纳各族人民在党的各项政策的光辉照耀下,经过各个阶段的艰苦努力,特别是党的十一届三中全会以来,始终坚持改革开放政策,坚持四项基本原则,认真贯彻执行党的“一个中心,两个基本点”的基本路线,发展和繁荣了社会主义民族经济,使自治州各族人民走上了富裕之路。随着全州政治、经济的巨大变化,西双版纳的民族文化艺术事业也得到了繁荣和发展。近年来,无论在机构设置、设施建设、人才培训等方面都有显著变化。现全州共有文化艺术机构183个,其中:群众文化机构45个,艺术表演机构6个,公共图书馆4个,电影放映管理机构127个,文物管理机构1个;具有悠久历史和文化传统的傣、哈尼、布朗、拉祜、基诺等十几个少数民族,通过自己的辛勤劳动,不仅创造了物质财富,而且也创造了丰富多彩的民族文化艺术。流传已久的傣族叙事长诗,布朗、哈尼、基诺等民族的口头文学,兼或各民族民间的音乐、舞蹈、壁画、织锦、雕塑、建筑等多种艺术形式五彩斑斓,为西双版纳展现出一个古朴、神密、纯真的文明世界。 Located in the southwestern border of the motherland, the magical and beautiful Xishuangbanna is a bright pearl. There are vast stretches of Linhai, rattan and wood staggered, birds singing, full of vitality. It is rich in animals, plants and mineral resources, is also a colorful treasure house of folk culture and the arts, for a long time, for hundreds of millions of people attention. Under the brilliant shine of the party’s policies, the people of all ethnic groups in Xishuangbanna have always adhered to the policy of reform and opening up, adhered to the four cardinal principles and conscientiously implemented the party after all the hard work of all stages, especially since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Party Central Committee The basic line of “one center and two basic points,” has developed and prospered the socialist national economy, and made the people of all ethnic groups in the autonomous prefectures embark on the road to affluence. With the great political and economic changes in the state, the cause of ethnic culture and the arts in Xishuangbanna has also been prosperous and developed. In recent years, there have been notable changes in institutional settings, facilities construction and personnel training. There are now 183 art and cultural institutions in the state, including 45 mass organizations, 6 performing arts organizations, 4 public libraries, 127 film exhibition agencies and 1 cultural relics management agency. With a long history and cultural tradition Dai, Hani, Brown, Lao, Keno and other dozens of ethnic minorities, through their own hard work, not only created the material wealth, but also created a rich and colorful national culture and the arts. Long-awaited Dai narration poem, Brown, Hani, Keno and other ethnic oral literature, and folk or ethnic music, dance, murals, tapestry, sculpture, architecture and other art forms of colorful, Xishuangbanna to show a Simple, dense, pure civilized world.
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还没从老兵退伍的惆怅中缓过神来,营房外就响起了过年的鞭炮声。转眼在军营中也呆了3个年头了。班长退伍后我就成了班长,手中管着六七号 In the melancholy of veterans wh
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