巴中就等于“贫困落后”,这或许是众多不了解巴中今天区情之人的普遍看法。的确,如果将巴中的现在与条件好的地区乃至发达地区横向相比,说它贫困落后丝毫没有夸张。但是,假如将巴中的今天与其三年前进行纵向比较,人们又将不得不承认巴中确实是“今非昔比”。倘若获得省委、省政府高度评价的“巴中经验”还不足为证的话,那么请看下例事实: 1996年,巴中全区实现工业总产值18.7亿元、农业总产值31.67亿元、财政收入2.2亿元,分别比1993年增长了73.8%、24.1%、120%;乡镇企业总产值达到36.8
Bazhong is equivalent to “poverty and backwardness”, which may be the common view of many people who do not understand the situation in Palestine and China today. Indeed, if we compare the present-day situation in Pakistan with that in well-developed areas and developed areas, we can say that poverty and backwardness are not exaggerated at all. However, if we compare today’s age in Palestine with that of its three years ago, people will have to admit that Pakistan and China really are “no longer comparable.” In the light of the fact that “Pakistan-China experience” highly praised by the provincial party committee and the provincial government is not yet sufficient evidence, then look at the fact that in 1996, the total industrial output value of the entire region of Pakistan and China reached 1.87 billion yuan and the total agricultural output value was 3.167 billion yuan, Fiscal revenue was 220 million yuan, up 73.8%, 24.1% and 120% respectively over 1993; the township enterprises’ total output value reached 36.8