Adverse hepatic reactions associated with calcium carbimide and disulfiram therapy: Is there still a

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baozhengzzz
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Disulfiram and calcium carbimide are two alcohol deterrents widely used in alcoholism treatment, however, there exist great concerns over their safety. Reports on hepatotoxicity, mainly related to disulfiram therapy, have been published. The hepatotoxic potential of calcium carbimide is less well characterized. Here, we describe four cases of liver damage related to this therapeutic group that were submitted to a Registry of hepatotoxicity and point out the limitations that we face when prescribing these compounds. A reassessment of the role of these compounds in the management of alcohol dependence is clearly needed. Reports on hepatotoxicity, mainly related to disulfiram therapy, have been published. The hepatotoxic potential of calcium carbimide is less well characterized. Here , we describe four cases of liver damage related to this therapeutic group that were submitted to a Registry of hepatotoxicity and point out the limitations that we face when precribing these compounds. A reassessment of the role of these compounds in the management of alcohol dependence clearly needed.
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杨老师,上期您为我们介绍了俗称“张口等”的毛瑟M1910袖珍手枪的研制来历及其“形象”特点。那么,这支手枪为什么在旧中国很快就会赢得良好的口碑?  杨南镇:在中国,要说舶来的德国手枪,占主导地位的要数毛瑟公司的产品,而在该公司的手枪中,占绝对主导地位的是中国人所家喻户晓、老少皆知的驳壳枪。事实上,毛瑟驳壳枪自问世之初,就好像命中注定一样,把中国当作其“第二故乡”。1950年代前,中国成为世界上毛瑟