气管支气管异物是小儿常见病之一。但有时由于家长未提供异物吸入史,而医生对此病缺乏足够的认识,则很容易误诊为肺炎而延误治疗。现将我院所见一例报告如下。患者男性,1 1/2岁。阵发性喘憋,活动时加剧,不伴发烧3个月。既往无哮喘发作史,家长未提供异物吸入史,门诊以支气管肺炎收住院。入院前患儿也曾在其他医院就诊6次,同样诊断为肺炎给以抗生素治疗,但均不见效。入院时查体,体温正常,无紫绀,气管居中,两肺无叩浊,两肺呼吸音粗糙,偶有哮鸣音及痰鸣,心脏(-),腹部(-),
Tracheal bronchial foreign body is one of the common diseases in children. But sometimes because parents did not provide history of foreign body aspiration, and doctors lack adequate knowledge of the disease, it is easy to misdiagnose pneumonia and delay treatment. Now I see a hospital report is as follows. Male patient, 1 1/2 years old. Paroxysmal wheezing, aggravating activities, without fever for 3 months. Past history of asthma attacks, parents did not provide history of foreign body inhalation, bronchial pneumonia admitted to the clinic. Children admitted to hospital also had 6 visits in other hospitals, the same diagnosis of pneumonia given antibiotics, but not effective. Admission examination, body temperature was normal, no cyanosis, tracheal center, two lungs without knock turbidity, two lungs rough breathing sounds, occasional wheeze and phlegm, heart (-), abdomen (-),