The transformation process under the constraint of Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni shape memory alloy was studied in detail by measuring the resistivity and the recovery stress of the alloy during the heating and cooling process, and the results show that the deformation and heating After the cooling process, the recovery stress increases with decreasing temperature. When the recovery stress increases beyond the yield strength of the alloy, the plastic deformation will occur first; then with the further decrease of temperature, the recovery stress reaches the stress-induced ε martensite transformation Of the critical stress, the recovery stress will induce ε martensitic transformation, resulting in the recovery stress decreases with decreasing temperature, plastic deformation and stress induced ε martensitic transformation will significantly relax the stress recovery, reducing the alloy cooling to room temperature The stress of the alloy during heating and cooling is established, and the principle of design of the memory alloy pipe joint is proposed.