
来源 :价格与市场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jimmyzcc
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当今世界,旅游是人们生活不可缺少的部分,旅游业已成为世界各国发展的重要产业。随着我国旅游业的蓬勃发展,景区间的竞争愈显激烈,一些景区为了体现“物有所值”而相互攀比,提高或变相提高门票价格。北京拟将故宫、长城等6处世界文化遗产门票价格集体上调而引起争论,众说纷纭,莫衷一是。应当说,我国风景区门票价格过高是不争的事实。其价格与我国国民人均 In today’s world, tourism is an indispensable part of people’s lives. Tourism has become an important industry for the development of all countries in the world. With the vigorous development of China’s tourism industry, the competition among scenic spots is fiercer and fiercer. Some scenic spots compete with each other in order to realize “value for money” and raise or disguised the ticket prices. Beijing intends to put the Forbidden City, the Great Wall and other six World Cultural Heritage tickets collectively raised controversy, divergent views, implausible. It should be said that it is an indisputable fact that the price of scenic spots in China is too high. Its price and per capita nationality of our country
摘要:现在,许多学校小学生们在写作文时常常会出现这样的情况:坐在课桌前两三节课,苦想冥思还凑不齐一篇300字的作文;在家写日记亦是记流水账一般,寥寥几句,就画了句号。究其原因,主要是小学生的积累不够,缺乏对于事物观察能力;老师和家长对其启发也不够,使其对写作产生了恐惧与厌烦情绪。根据几年来的教学实践,笔者为改变这种状况 ,在小学生作文写法指导方面,提出了相关的探讨。  关键字:阅读;观察;情感真实