天气暖和起来,细菌容易繁殖。衣服器皿,往往需要消毒。身体上受伤的时候,也需要擦一些消毒药品。家庭中准备一些消毒药,对于日常衛生和临时救护就很有好处。家庭中应当准备那些消毒药呢?现在介紹几种: (1)石炭酸石炭酸是常用的杀菌剂,有较强的杀菌力。它有一种特殊的气味,容易識别,容易保存。它的百分之一的溶液可以在5—10分鍾内杀死一般细菌。杀菌作用不受有机物的影响,所以可用来消毒痰、脓等物。它的1—5%的溶液对一般金屬、木器、衣物等没有损害作用,所以也可以用来給这些东西消毒。在打扫房間和庭院之后,可以洒一些石炭酸。由于它对皮肤和粘膜有腐蝕作用,所以絕对不可作口腔消毒用。
As the weather warms up, bacteria grow easily. Clothes containers often require disinfection. When you are physically injured, you will also need to wipe some disinfecting drugs. Preparing some disinfectants in the family is good for routine hygiene and temporary care. In the family should be prepared for those disinfectants? Now introduce several: (1) carbolic acid carbolic acid is a commonly used fungicide, a strong bactericidal power. It has a special smell that is easy to identify and easy to store. Its one percent solution can kill common bacteria within 5-10 minutes. The bactericidal effect is not affected by organic matter, so it can be used to disinfect maggots, pus, and other objects. Its 1-5% solution does not harm normal metals, woodware, clothing, etc., so it can also be used to disinfect these things. After cleaning the room and courtyard, sprinkle some carbolic acid. Because it has a corrosive effect on the skin and mucous membranes, it must not be used for oral disinfection.