如果有人问:“艾滋病是什么问题?”10年前的回答是医学问题,5年前的回答是经济问题或社会问题,而今天,有专家说回答会是政治问题。这是因为在联合国这样一个纯粹的世界性政治组织中,为一种疾病的防治专门成立一个协调组织,仅联合国艾滋病规划署。可见艾滋病的快速传播,已给人类的健康和生存带来极大的威胁,也给各国政府带来巨额的医疗支出。 在我国,艾滋病感染者已遍布全国,据分析,艾滋病流行已进入快速增长期。尽管它近在我们身边,但只要认识了它,主动地预防它,我们仍旧可以从从容容地上班、逛市场、进餐馆、居家过日子,享受健康美好的生活……
If someone asks, “What is HIV / AIDS?” 10 years ago, the answer was a medical question. Five years ago, the answer was an economic one or a social one. Today, some experts say that the answer is a political issue. This is because in a purely global political organization such as the United Nations, a special coordinating organization is set up for the prevention and control of one disease, only UNAIDS. This shows that the rapid spread of AIDS has brought great threats to the health and survival of humankind and brought huge medical expenses to all governments. In our country, people living with HIV / AIDS have spread all over the country. According to the analysis, the AIDS epidemic has entered a period of rapid growth. Although it is close to us, as long as we know it and take the initiative to prevent it, we can still work hard at home, go to the market, enter restaurants, live at home and enjoy a healthy and beautiful life.