一 近几年,许多有识之士不断对社会上语言文字的混乱现象提出批评,要求治理“语言污染”、清除“文字垃圾”,认为事关国家的尊严和现代化建设。我原先只是从报刊上看到这些批评,同时也只是出于一名教师的社会责任感而对当前语言文字的混乱状况痛心疾首。去年我到国家语言文字工作委员会工作之后,细细留心,才发现语言文字的混乱程度远远超过我以前的感觉。同时,几乎我每次参加会议或活动,都会受到老相知新朋友的询问:现在社会上的用字这么乱,你们语委管不管?简体字是不是不再坚持了?现在广东话比普通话吃香,是怎么搞的?方言、土话大摇大摆地走进了广播、电视,这像话吗?电视上经常有错字,播音员常读错音,你们语委抱什么态
In recent years, many people of insight have constantly criticized the chaos in languages and languages in their society. They have called for the control of “language pollution” and the removal of “rubbish”. This is considered to be related to the dignity and modernization of the country. I originally saw these criticisms only in the newspapers and at the same time I was only out of a teacher’s sense of social responsibility to the dismay of the current language confusion. Last year when I was working in the State Language Commission, I noticed that it was far more chaotic than I used to feel. At the same time, almost every time I attend a conference or event, I get inquiries from new friends and acquaintances: In today’s society, words are so chaotic that you do not care whether Chinese is no longer insisted on. Cantonese is now more popular than Putonghua, How do you do? Dialect, dialect, swaggering into the radio and television, this is the case? TV often have the wrong words, broadcasters often read the wrong tone, what language do you hold