跟随《太阳的后裔》脚步 游希腊扎金索斯岛

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随着韩剧《太阳的后裔》热播,剧中“宋仲基捡石头的地方”——“乌鲁克”成为热门的旅游景点。其实“乌鲁克”是电视剧虚构出来的名字,它实际上是希腊的扎金索斯岛(如图①)。2016年是扎金索斯岛的分水岭,在此之前它被叫做沉船湾或者海龟岛,虽然备受欧美游客推崇,但在亚洲地区却一直默默无闻。自从最近一阵韩剧风吹过,它就变身为“太阳的后裔岛”。 With the drama “descendants of the sun” hit, the play “Song Zhongji pick up the stone ” - “Uruk ” became a popular tourist attractions. In fact, “Uruk” is the fictional name of the drama, which is actually the island of Zakynthos in Greece (Figure 1). 2016 is a watershed in Zakynthos, before it was called Shipwreck Bay or Turtle Island, although highly respected European and American tourists, but has been unknown in Asia. Since the recent burst of the Korean drama, it has become “the descendants of the sun.”