
来源 :农村实用工程技术(农业工程) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:libraspace
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九三垦区位于黑龙江省西北部、北纬48度以北的高寒地区,现有耕地300万亩。地势为丘陵漫岗,本区土壤多为黑土,水土流失对农业生产影响较大。因而搞好水土保持工作,是确保农作物稳产高产的有效措施,也是保证和提高土壤肥力急待解决的问题。一、水土流失的危害性据九三垦区1977年土壤普查统计,重度水蚀面积占耕地总面积的2.1%;中度水蚀面积占耕地总面积的83.2%;轻度水蚀面积占耕地面积的7.6%,而大多数地号风蚀、水蚀兼有。据调查,1960年4月6日,八级大风吹毁荣军农场一队小麦4500亩,受灾地块平均吹走表土3—4厘米。 1965年春,尖山农场在刚播完种时,连刮了三天大风,受灾面积2.1万亩,其中补种和毁种1万亩,粮豆亩产比1964年减产27%。 1977年5月15—16日,山河农场刮了两天七、八级大风,全场小麦受灾面积达10万亩。 Jiusan reclamation area is located in the northwest of Heilongjiang Province, north latitude 48 degrees north of the alpine region, the existing 30000000 acres of arable land. The terrain is hills and hills, mostly black soil in the area, soil erosion has a greater impact on agricultural production. Therefore, doing a good job of soil and water conservation is an effective measure to ensure stable and high-yield crops, and also an urgent issue to be solved to ensure and improve soil fertility. I. Harmfulness of Soil and Water Loss According to the 1977 Census of Lands in 1993, recalcitrant water erosion accounts for 2.1% of the total cultivated land area; moderate water erosion area accounts for 83.2% of the total cultivated land area; and mild water erosion area accounts for 7.6% , While most of the land erosion, water erosion both. According to the survey, April 6, 1960, eight typhoons destroyed a fleet of wheat farm 4,500 acres, the affected area blown an average of 3-4 cm topsoil. In the spring of 1965, when Jianshan Farm just finished sowing seeds, it even scalded for three days and the affected area was 21,000 mu, of which 10,000 mu was planted and destroyed. The per mu yield of grain beans was 27% less than that of 1964. May 15-16, 1977, Shanhe farm shaved seven days and eight winds, the affected area of ​​wheat reached 10 million mu.
有关工业界人士说,除美国联合防务公司外,又有两家公司可能要参加竞标向中国台湾提供现代化的轻型坦克。 台湾需要500~800辆配有105mm火炮的轻型坦克,以取代那些美国过去提供
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创建信息宣传是前期创建工作的重中之重,它对全面拓展海淀区精神文明、深入探索区域文明理念起到重要的作用。    热火八月,海淀区创建首都文明区工作正在如火如荼地进行着。  根据《海淀区创建首都文明区工作方案》精神,为扎实开展首都文明区创建活动,海淀区创建办宣传发动组重点开展了媒体对接、社会面宣传和区机关系统内部宣传三项工作。    倡导文明新风   创建办发动宣传攻势  宣传动员是前期创建工作的重中
扁甲科(鞘翅目)中的扁谷盗属包括几种主要的世界性贮粮害虫,微扁谷盗Cryptolestes pusilloides(Steel & Howe)是其中的一种,其危害性仅次于锈赤扁谷盗C.ferrugineus(Steph.)
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