According to the Soviet Building Code СНй ПII-21-75, prestressed reinforcements are suitable for porous aggregate concrete members with a number of not less than 200. In the design of some components, the minimum design number is allowed to be reduced by one gear (ie, 50 kg/cm~2) under well-founded conditions. Therefore, if there is no sufficient basis at present, prestressing can not be applied to heat insulation. Structural concrete. However, in many cases, in order to reduce the deformation of the components, it is often necessary to use prestressing in the heat-insulating structural concrete. For example, prestressed reinforcements are used in wall plates of concrete design number 150 and length 12 meters. The stiffening ribs can be omitted to simplify the structure of the wallboard and to save 0.8 rubles per m2 of wallboard cost. Adopt pre