竹类植物的生长过程一般可分三个阶段:第一阶段首先是自生长点下端完成胚组织的生长,继之出现各节间的基部,最後各细胞继续分裂增殖,分化出初期的横隔壁和髓组织,这一阶段的主要特点是生命物质与细胞数量的增加。其次是竹类植物幼秆有显著的高生长与肥大生长,就右图刚竹(Phyllostachys bambusoides)幼秆纵割面观察之,从先端第一节至第六节的髓组织差不多一样肥厚,至第六节以下,可见髓组织膨大凸出,並分裂出新组织向水平方向扩大,形成秆的肥大生长,这就是第二阶段,这一阶段
The growth of bamboo plants generally can be divided into three stages: the first stage from the bottom of the growth point to complete embryonic tissue growth, followed by the emergence of the base of each node, and finally the cells continue to divide and proliferate, the initial differentiation of the transversal wall And pulp tissue, the main feature of this stage is the increase of the number of living matter and cells. Followed by the bamboo plantlets have significant growth and hypertrophy of young growth, on the right maple (Phyllostachys bambusoides) young stalk longitudinal section observed from the first section to the sixth section of the pulp tissue is almost as thick, to Sixth, the following can be seen bulging bulging pulp, and split a new organization to the horizontal direction to expand, the formation of stalks hypertrophy growth, which is the second phase, this stage