【摘 要】
【机 构】
Under the requirements of quality education, achieving teacher-student interaction has become an indispensable part of modern education. For elementary English teaching, good teacher-student interaction can effectively enhance students’ interest in learning English knowledge. Therefore, how to teach English in primary schools? The application of teacher-student interaction in teaching has become an important task. First, the existing problems in the past primary school English teaching through the past primary school English teaching research can find that there are still many problems, specifically in the following aspects: (A) teacher-led classroom in the past primary school English teaching, is basically Teachers lead classrooms. Students passively accept knowledge. All knowledge learning is imposed on students by teachers. Students do not feel it.
Introduction With the development of reactor physics and computer, now, the covariance data become more and more important in the nuclear engineering applicati
Islamic silver coins (Dirhams) running the period between 107 to 126 Hijri( (726-743 AD), which belong to the Umayyad Empire period, 41-132 hijri (661-750 AD),
Locked modes are observed in many Tokamaks. The locked mode is typically a purely growing, non-rotating, non-axisymmetric magnetic field perturbation with polo
Introduction This is a new evaluation for neutron cross sections of ~(115)In. The experimental data mainly taken from EXFOR, and the recommended data are compa
【欧洲核学会《核新闻网》 1 999年 4月2 9日报道】 美国在对其核电站进行的抽查表明 ,这些核电站正在按计划致力于解决计算机 2 0 0 0年问题 (Y2 K)。这次的现场检查是由美
王小平筹借10多万元开了一家名叫“靓影”的化妆品店。谁知开业半年多了,每天的销售收入还不到1000元。然而2个月后,“靓影”化妆品店就走出了困境,日销售收入近2000元。王小平是怎么做的? 一、选准定位,利用个性化服务提高顾客忠诚度 “靓影”之所以开门不利,很重要的一个原因就是陷进了与周边同类店的价格战重围。王小平的策略是,不打价格战,选择有别于他们的营销手段形成自己的竞争优势。 那