After enucleation, if the implants are not placed at the same time to fill the orbital space of the eyeball, there are often sunken orbital recesses that affect the beauty. Silicone balls, methyl acrylate implant surgery implants intraorbital surgery can correct orbital sunken, but sometimes prolapse, to surgery failed. We used 26 patients with implant at the same time, the trial of autologous or allogeneic scleral flap covered the implant surface, strengthening the barrier function of the conjunctiva, followed up for 6 months to 19 months, an average of 11 months, no 1 Example prolapse, achieved satisfactory results, are as follows. Surgical objects and methods 26 cases of patients, 16 males and 10 females, the oldest 52 years old, minimum 6.5 years old, with an average of 28 years old. There were 8 cases of corneal staphyloma, 5 cases of atrophic atrophy, 4 cases of absolute glaucoma, 1 case of corneal perforation, 4 cases of adhesive corneal leukoplakia, 3 cases of ocular content inflammation and 1 case of orbital depression after enucleation.