Productivity, quality and soil health as influenced by lime in ricebean cultivars in foothills of no

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To evaluate the response to lime on cultivars of ricebean(Vigna umbellata), a field experiment was conducted during the two consecutive rabi seasons of 2010–2011 and 2011–2012 in the Nagaland foothills, India. The experiment used a split-plot design with four levels of lime(control, 0.2, 0.4and 0.6 t ha-1) in main plots and four ricebean cultivars(RBS-16, RBS-53, PRR-2, and RCRB-4) in sub-plots with three replicates. The results revealed that increasing levels of lime(in the furrow)from 0 to 0.6 t ha-1significantly increased growth, yield attributes and yield. The quality parameters of ricebean were also influenced significantly by the application of lime. Maximum gross return(INR 39,098 ha-1), net return(INR 27,281 ha-1), benefit:cost(B:C) ratio(2.29),production efficiency, and economic efficiency were also realized with the application of lime at 0.6 t ha-1. Among the ricebean cultivars, RBS-53 produced significantly higher growth, yield attributes, grain yield, straw yield, biological yield, and harvest index. Similarly, yield and protein content were higher in RBS-53. Maximum gross return, net return, B:C ratio, production efficiency, and economic efficiency were observed for RBS-53. To evaluate the response to lime to cultivars of ricebean (Vigna umbellata), a field experiment was conducted during the two consecutive rabi seasons of 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 in the Nagaland foothills, India. The experiment used a split-plot design with Four levels of lime (control, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 t ha-1) in main plots and four rice bean cultivars (RBS-16, RBS- 53, PRR- 2, and RCRB- 4) in sub-plots with three replicates. The results revealed that increasing of of lime (in the furrow) from 0 to 0.6 t ha-1 slightly increased growth, yield attributes and yield. The quality parameters of ricebean were also observed significantly by the application of lime. Maximum gross return (INR 39,098 benefit: cost (B: C) ratio (2.29), production efficiency, and economic efficiency were also realized with the application of lime at 0.6 t ha-1. the ricebean cultivars, RBS-53 produced significantly higher growth, yield attributes, grain yield, straw yield, biol ogical yield, and harvest index. Similarly, yield and protein content were higher in RBS-53. Maximum gross return, net return, B: C ratio, production efficiency, and economic efficiency were observed for RBS-53.
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