金秋时节,我们向读者奉献出本刊创刊50周年纪念专刊。与其说这是收获的记载,倒不如说是与读者一道开启一段尘封的记忆——因为我们曾共同栉风沐雨走过50年! 1952年11月15曰,当《人民公安》杂志的前身——《公安手册》问世时,我们完全能够想像得出编辑前辈们迎着扑鼻的墨香内心该是多么的激动,还有数万读者手捧着创刊号仔细阅读时欣喜的目光。50年过去了,当年那株几代人倾心呵护的幼苗,历经风雨,踏过坎坷,由小到大,逐渐成长,传达党的方针政策,解释法律法规,及时反映公安中心工作和队伍建设,弘扬正气、鞭挞邪恶,以其非凡的影响力和发行量、良好的社会效益和经济效益立足于优秀期刊之林,良师益友的本色矢志未渝。
In Autumn, we dedicate to the readers a special issue of the 50th anniversary of the publication. It is not so much to reap the harvest, but rather to open a dusty memory along with the reader - because we have been together in the wind and rain for 50 years! On November 15, 1952, when the “Public Security Manual”, the predecessor of “People’s Public Security Magazine” came out, we could all imagine how excited editors and forebears would be in the face of the smelly ink. Tens of thousands Readers’ hands gratifying gaze when reading the first issue. Fifty years have passed since the year-old seedlings nurtured by generations have witnessed the ups and downs, ups and downs, gradual growth, and conveyed the party’s principles and policies, explained laws and regulations, and timely reflected the work of public security centers and team building, Carry forward the righteousness, whip the evil, with its extraordinary influence and circulation, good social and economic benefits based on excellent journals, mentoring mentor unwavering.