二最早的人类艺术体型——不同人种的体形——中国女性“无”乳房? 在很长一段文明社会的进程中,我国在主流文化中没有裸体艺术,有人认为我们的民族注重礼教、含蓄内向,不需要和不接受裸体艺术。其实不然,我国在汉唐时期是有裸体艺术的,只是在宋以后转入了“地下”。曾经有很长一段时间,中国没有原始裸体雕塑人物形象出土,致使有人怀疑,可能中国人从远古先民以来就没有裸体艺术。1983年秋,终于在辽宁省喀左县东山嘴红山文化牛河梁遗址中发现了距今约5000年的裸体女性红陶塑像《牛河梁女神》,有关的怀疑也就自然消除了。原始的、文明的艺术形象都有了,于是让人思考的问题也就随之出现了:为什么中国女性的艺术形象总是那么欠丰满? 牛河梁遗址出土的裸体女性红陶塑像,其中有
In the process of a long period of civilized society, our country has no nudity art in the mainstream culture. Some people think that our nation pays attention to ethics and implication Inward, do not need and do not accept nude art. In actual fact, our country was nude in the Han and Tang dynasties, and only moved into the underground after the Song Dynasty. For a long time there was no unearthed image of China’s original nude sculptures, causing some to suspect that Chinese may have no nudity since ancient ancestors. In the autumn of 1983, the nude female portraits of Niu Luliang, dating back to about 5,000 years ago, were finally found in the Niuheliang site of Hongshan Culture in Dongshanzui, Kazuo County, Liaoning Province. The suspicion concerned was naturally eliminated. The primitive and civilized artistic images are all there, so the question of thinking arises: Why Chinese women’s artistic image is always less than full? The nude female terracotta figure unearthed in the Niuheliang site includes