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从巴黎公社的诞生到今天已经过去120年了。作为实施无产阶级民主制度的一次具有深远意义的尝试,它虽然在历史上仅仅存在了短短的72天,但是留给我们的启示和经验都是极其宝贵的。在120年后的今天,对于我们这样一个已经取得了政权,并且执政40多年的无产阶级政党来说,重温巴黎公社的历史,并结合无产阶级革命的历程进行深刻的反思,会从中得到许多可资借鉴的经验。而其中一条具有十分重要的现实意义的经验就是:无产阶级政权必须时时置于人民群众的监督之下。一“巴黎公社给共和国奠定了真正民主制度的基础”,无产阶级民主制度就是国家政治统治以人民为主体的政治。国家权力的行使必须体现人民的意志,维护人民的利益,服从人民的需要。巴黎公社的民主是人民民主,它本质上不同于一切剥削阶级的民主制,它体现了马克思恩格斯所说的民主就是“人民当权”的思想。马克思恩格斯在谈到无产阶级革命胜利后所要建立的国家制度时指出:“首先无产阶级将建立民主制度,从而直接或间接地建立无产阶级的政治统治。”“工人革命的第一步就是使无产阶级上升为统治阶级,争得民主。”巴黎公社的民主就是无产阶级的政治统治,就是真正人民当家作主,也就是无产 It has been 120 years since the birth of the Paris Commune. As a far-reaching attempt to implement a proletarian democracy, it has only had a mere 72 days in history, but the revelations and experiences that have left us are extremely valuable. Today, 120 years later, for a proletarian party such as ours, which has gained power and has been in power for more than 40 years, reviewing the history of the Paris Commune and engaging in profound introspection on the course of the proletarian revolution will yield many Can learn from experience. And one of the most important practical experiences is that the proletarian regime must always be placed under the supervision of the masses. The “Paris Commune has laid the foundation of a truly democratic system for the republic,” and the proletarian democracy is the political domination of the country by the people. The exercise of state power must reflect the will of the people, safeguard the interests of the people and obey the needs of the people. The democracy of the Paris Commune is people’s democracy, which is essentially different from all the exploiting-class democracies. It reflects that Marx and Engels called democracy the idea of ​​“people’s power”. Marx and Engels, referring to the state system to be established after the victory of the proletarian revolution, pointed out: “First, the proletariat will establish a democratic system so as to directly or indirectly establish the political rule of the proletariat.” “The first step in the workers’ revolution is to make proletarian The class rose to the ruling class and won the democracy. ”The Paris Commune’s democracy is the political rule of the proletariat, that is, the true people are the masters of the country, that is,
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文章论述了组建Partner教学方法的意义及过程.作者通过运用这种教学方法,大大加强了英语课堂教学的实践活动,提高了学生的听力、口语水平和交际能力. The article discusses
凯特·莱格特(Kate Leggett)是弗雷斯特研究公司(Forrester Research)的首席分析师,专注于客户服务领域,弗雷斯特研究公司是独立的技术和市场调研机构,本文根据该公司2012年