2010年,除了正在上海举行的世博会外,11月将在广州举行的第十六届亚运会是我们关注的又一焦点,这将是亚洲人民四年一度的体育盛事。随着亚运会开幕临近,为了烘托气氛,很多地方都开始制作倒计时牌。利用Flash,我们可以制作一个属于自己的独一无二的亚运会倒计时牌。还等什么,让我们一起来吧!Step 1:启动Flash程序(本文以Flash8为例进行制作,用其他Flash版本制作方法基本一样),新
In 2010, in addition to the World Expo in Shanghai, the 16th Asian Games to be held in Guangzhou in November is another focus of our attention. This will be the four-year sports event for Asian people. With the opening of the Asian Games, in order to set off the atmosphere, countdown cards are being made in many places. With Flash, we can create a unique Asian Games countdown card for ourselves. What are you waiting for, let us come together! Step 1: Start the Flash program (this article uses Flash8 as an example, basically the same as other Flash versions), new