Sometimes flying in the vast expanse of blue sky, sometimes sailing in the endless blue sea, sometimes running in the mysterious desert wasteland. Following the pace of our army's advance and using the cameras in our hands, we have truly recorded the historical events of the past and the little-known ones of the Republican and People's Armed Forces. Photographers of the military film studio in the Bayi Film Studio owned their own The glory and responsibility, glory and pride. Record Hundreds of Firsts Write a Miracle This is a special team that can fight and they are the first witnesses of major Chinese historical events. They used the cameras in their hands to “engrave” the hundreds of words of the state and the army closely linked with the words “first”, “first”, “rare” and “major” Important events and activities. In October 1952, when the studio was set up, they dispatched the first field photography team consisting of dozens of people including Wu Di, Xue Boqing, Zhang Yunqing, Chen Jun, Zhang Dongliang, Xie Zizong and Gao Qingsheng to cross the Yalu River Smoke filled North Korea battlefield. In order to shoot the volunteers dare to fight hard, heroic fighting