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水利水电科学研究院水文研究所与黄河水利委员会及北京勘测设计院,在1959年共同对黄河中游(山西、陕西、甘肃三省六个水土保持试验站的历年观测资科)进行了分析和综合的工作,对各项治坡治沟措施和蓄水工程的拦蓄作用,水库的调洪计算等方面,分别给出了数据和方法.一、治坡治沟措施对减少洪量的作用(一)小区治坡及田间措施在一次暴雨中的拦蓄作用根据本区内各试验站所设的30余个对比径流观测小区(面积一般为几百平方米)的资料,我们可以看出在各次暴雨中有措施的径流小区所减少的径流深固然与暴雨量有一定 Institute of Hydrology, Water Resources and Hydropower Research Institute and the Yellow River Conservancy Commission and the Beijing Survey and Design Institute jointly in 1959 on the middle reaches of the Yellow River (Shanxi, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces and six soil and water conservation pilot stations over the years of observation of resources) were analyzed and integrated Work, the various measures to control the slope of the ditch and the impoundment of water storage project, the reservoir flood control calculation, etc., respectively, given the data and methods. Grazing and Field Interception in a Rainstorm Interception Based on the data from more than 30 comparative runoff observation areas (usually of a few hundred square meters) set up by various test stations in this area, we can see that in various heavy rains There is a measure of runoff area to reduce the runoff depth, of course, a certain amount of rainfall
(一) 在降雨洪水类型的河流,流量过程线一般均呈多峰形状,当研究和分析洪峰流量频率时,如果每年仅取最大的一个洪峰流量作为统计样品(简称“年洪峰法”),就会使多数次大洪峰
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