世界上最大的微电脑芯片制造厂家美国英特尔公司,是全球(包括中国)90%芯片的供应商,它影响整个计算机业界,是一家颇有影响的公司。1998年初,英特尔公司推出了高能奔腾 CPU,称为 P(PENTIUM-奔腾)Ⅱ处理器,主频为233MHz、266MHz、300MHz;1999初,又推出了 P(奔腾)Ⅲ处理器,采用 MMX 技术,增添70条多媒体增强命令,主频为350MHz、400MHz、450MHz 等。这些产品,人们不再称为:“X86”芯片,而叫作奔腾Ⅱ300……、奔腾Ⅲ400……等等。
Intel Corporation, the world’s largest maker of microchip chips, is a global supplier of 90% chips (including China) that affects the entire computer industry and is an influential company. In early 1998, Intel introduced a high-powered Pentium CPU, called the P (PENTIUM-Pentium) II processor clocked at 233MHz, 266MHz, 300MHz; early 1999, has introduced the Pentium III processor, using MMX technology, Add 70 multimedia enhancements, clocked at 350MHz, 400MHz, 450MHz and so on. These products, people no longer called: “X86” chip, and called Pentium Ⅱ 300 ......, Pentium Ⅲ 400 ... and so on.