June 25, 1950, the Korean war broke out. On June 27, U.S. President Truman decided that the United States sent navy and air force to invade North Korea’s territorial waters and airspace, attack the Korean People’s Army and indiscriminate bombing of the North Korean city. At the same time, it ordered the Seventh Fleet to dispatch the Taiwan Strait to invade China’s territory of Taiwan, Obstruct the Chinese people’s planned deployment of Taiwan. On July 7, the United States also manipulated the UN Security Council through the resolution on the establishment of the “UN Command” in the absence of the Soviet Union. The United States subsequently fought on the Korean peninsula in the name of “the United Nations.” It quickly put the war on fire To the Yalu River. The United States has linked the unrelated areas of Taiwan and the Korean Peninsula and taken serious military steps to compel the new China to resolutely adopt the policy of resisting the United States and Korea.