1976年初,我队用附乌散治疗面神经麻痹15例均收到较好效果。一、药物组成、用量及配制: 熟附子三两,制川乌三两,乳香二两。将上三味药研成细面,分成8~10包,每日一次,每次一包,临用前加生姜末一钱放入药面内,用开水调成糊状,即可使用。二、用法: 敷药前嘱患者用热姜片擦患处,擦至局部充血为好,将上药调成糊状敷患侧(上至太阳穴,下至地
In early 1976, our team used Fushen Powder to treat facial paralysis in 15 cases and received good results. First, the drug composition, dosage and preparation: Cooked aconite 32, the system Chuanwu 32, frankincense 22nd. The three flavors of medicine research into fine noodles, divided into 8 to 10 packages, once daily, each time a package, immediately before use, add ginger, a money into the drug surface, with water into a paste, you can use. Second, the usage: Before treatment, Zhu Huanzhe rubbed the affected area with hot ginger, wipe to local congestion is good, the drug transferred into a paste dressing ipsilateral (up to the temple, down to the ground