Cash is the blood of an enterprise. It is crucial to every enterprise. Cash is the foundation on which an enterprise relies for its survival. It is also the basis for the creation of an enterprise value and the measurement of its value. It is the first element of its financial management. The cash flow of an enterprise refers to the flow and flow of cash. The cash flow reflects the profitability of the enterprise, determines the liquidity of the enterprise, and determines the value creation of the enterprise. Speed up the cash cycle is an important part of corporate financial management, whether from a strategic point of view of the enterprise’s cash flow control, or focus on operational-level corporate cash flow, or internal control from the perspective of corporate cash flow management, the ultimate goal is Create a risk-controlled and efficient cash flow for the business. In fact, the cash cycle of enterprises and risk cycle and value creation are synchronized. The following scientific control of the cash flow of the enterprise from two levels to elaborate, one level is based on cash flow within the enterprise