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“干部职工把辛辛苦苦积攒的血汗钱,放在他们最信得过的社保中心,指望的是退休后有个养老保障。然而,出乎意料的是,有这样一个社保局领导,竟然利用职务便利,伸出了贪婪之手,揽百姓的”养命钱“为己有。好在有人及时检举揭发,检察机关查处得力,才卡住了腐败分子继续坑害百姓的脖颈。2004年11月,这个利用职务之便,挪用数千万元”养命钱“的河南省平顶山市社保局原局长陈振方,被法院以受贿罪、贪污罪、挪用公款罪数罪并罚判处死刑,缓期2年执行;该局原党组书记侯成显被以挪用公款罪判处有期徒刑15年。据悉,陈振方利用担任局长职务之便,收受他人贿赂103万余元,贪污公款84万余元,挪用社保基金2274万余元。该局原党组书记侯成显挪用社保基金1100余万元。 ”Cadres and workers put their hard-earned hard-earned money on their most trusted social security center, expecting to have an old-age security after retirement However, unexpectedly, there is such a leader of the Social Insurance Bureau, even taking advantage of his position Convenient, out of the hand of greed, taking the people “life money ” for its own good Fortunately, some people promptly report the expose, the procuratorial organs investigated and dealt with properly, only stuck in the corrupt elements continue to pit people's neck .11 In January, Chen Zhenfang, former director of the Social Security Bureau of Pingdingshan City, Henan Province, who misappropriated tens of millions of yuan to raise money for life, was sentenced to death by the court on charges of taking bribes, embezzlement and embezzlement, The former party secretary Hou Chengxian was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment for embezzlement of public funds .It is reported that Chen Zhenfang used to serve as director of the office, to accept other people's bribes of 103 million yuan, more than 840,000 yuan of embezzlement of public funds, embezzlement of social security funds 2274 million yuan.Hu Cheng Cheng Xian, secretary of the party's original party embezzlement social security fund 1100 yuan.
1月6日,自治区林业局各处、室、站300多名 职工纷纷为印度洋海啸灾区献出一份爱心,共捐款 12503.1元。 January 6, Autonomous Region Forestry Department everywhere, roo
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A novel anodic oxidization equipment was designed to fabricate a large number of porous anodic alumina (PAA) templates in one time.This approach improved the ef
从1943年替蒋介石看病,到1975年签下残废证明书,30多年来,熊丸一直是蒋介石的侍从医官在外人看来,这是无比的幸运和荣耀,然而回首30多年的“御医”生涯,熊丸却说:“如果能有第二种选择,我宁愿当个平平凡凡的教授”    奉父命而学医,割痔疮成“御医”    熊丸人如其名,个子小小的,笑起来眼睛眯成一条缝让人很自然联想起浣熊的可爱模样,全无想像中医生应有的那种沉静严肃  熊丸从小活泼好动,念中学
《孟子.梁惠王上》:“为长者折枝”,“折枝”意思为“曲折四肢,(屈膝行跪拜之礼)”。 “Mencius. Liang Hui Wang”: “for the elderly broken sticks,” “broken sticks