有些拖拉机驾驶员在夏季行车时喜欢戴墨镜,虽然这样可以避免强阳光对眼睛的刺激,保护视力,但对行车安全弊多利少。 1反应能力降低 驾驶员戴上墨镜后,视野变小,眼前显得昏暗、阴沉,使其判断能力下降,处理情况的反应时间增加,动作迟缓,特别是在处理突发性险情时,
Some tractor drivers like to wear sunglasses while driving in the summer. Although this can avoid the strong sun’s eye irritation and protect their eyesight, it is less harmful to traffic safety. 1 reduce the ability to react After the driver put on sunglasses, the vision becomes smaller, the front appears dim, gloomy, so that its ability to judge the handling of the reaction time increases, slow, especially in dealing with sudden danger,