
来源 :世界宗教研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mokama1
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本文根据明代贵州发生的几次重大历史事件,同时结合地方史志和碑刻文献,对梵净山《敕赐碑》进行了比较深入地考证和研究。本文指出:明代中后期梵净山地区发生一系列大规模苗民起义,促成了梵净山在嘉靖至万历年间的两次大规模重建。明王朝为稳定梵净山地区的统治,一方面加强对少数民族的武力征剿,另一方面又在此大力推崇佛教,兴修庙宇,敕封加冕,藉以强化佛教对少数民族的教化功能。万历四十六年,明神宗任妙玄为钦命僧,重建梵净山金顶古寺,赐镇山之印,梵净山逐渐形成“一大正殿、四大皇庵、四十八大脚庵”的格局。明代梵净山佛教的鼎盛是一系列重大事件的必然结果,为清代梵净山“弥勒菩萨道场”的正式形成奠定了坚实的基础。《敕赐碑》透露以上众多历史信息,是为梵净山镇山之宝。 According to several major historical events occurred in Guizhou in the Ming Dynasty, this article conducts a comparatively thorough research and verification on the “monument of the monument” in Fanjingshan with the reference of local historical records and inscriptions. This paper points out that a series of large-scale Miao people’s uprisings took place in the Fanjingshan area in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, which brought about two large-scale reconstruction of the Fanjingshan Mountain from Jiajing to Wanli years. In order to stabilize the rule of the Fanjingshan area, the Ming dynasty, on the one hand, stepped up the campaign of suppressing armed ethnic minorities. On the other hand, the Ming dynasty vigorously promoted Buddhism, rebuilt temples, and crowned crowds to reinforce Buddhism’s educational function toward ethnic minorities. Forty-six years of Wanli, Ming Shenzong Ren Miao Xuan Ming dynasty monks, the reconstruction of the Golden Summit Temple Fanjingshan, thanks to the seal of the town, Fanjingshan gradually formed “a large main hall, four imperial nunnery, forty-eight ankle” The pattern The peak of Buddhism in Ming Dynasty was the inevitable result of a series of major events, which laid a solid foundation for the formal formation of Fanjie Mountain in the Qing Dynasty. “敕 thanks monument” revealed many of the above historical information, is the mountain for the Fanjingshan treasure.
<正> 白血病在中医学里属于髓劳、血证、症积等范畴。急性白血病又称急劳、热劳、百日劳;慢性白血病多属症瘕、积聚、痰核。随着现代科学技术的发展,近年来,中医药研究采用先
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