锦熟黄杨又名小叶黄杨,黄杨属,常绿灌木或小乔木,枝叶茂密而浓绿,经冬不凋,耐修剪,观赏价值甚高。锦熟黄杨宜于庭院作绿篱及花坛边缘种植,也可在草坪孤植、丛植及路边列植,点缀山石,或作盆栽,盆景可用于室内绿化。 目前在绿化设计、施工中,小叶黄杨的用量越来越大。但是,由于它
Also known as Buxus boxwood boxwood, boxwood genus, evergreen shrubs or small trees, dense foliage and dark green, winter withered, resistant to pruning, ornamental value is very high. Kam familiar boxwood garden for hedges and flower beds edge of planting, but also in the lawn solitary plant, Cong planting and curbside planting, decorated with rocks, or potted plants, bonsai can be used for indoor greening. At present in the afforestation design, construction, the amount of the boxwood is growing. However, due to it