【摘 要】
In this study, we demonstrate a technique termed underwater persistent bubble assisted femtosecond laser ablation in liquids (UPB-fs-LAL) that can greatly expand the boundaries of surface micro/ nanostructuring through laser ablation because of its capabi
【机 构】
【出 处】
In this study, we demonstrate a technique termed underwater persistent bubble assisted femtosecond laser ablation in liquids (UPB-fs-LAL) that can greatly expand the boundaries of surface micro/ nanostructuring through laser ablation because of its capability to create concentric circular macrostructures with millimeter-scale tails on silicon substrates. Long-tailed macrostructures are composed of layered fan-shaped (central angles of 45°–141°) hierarchical micro/nanostructures, which are produced by fan-shaped beams refracted at the mobile bubble interface (?50° light tilt, referred to as the vertical incident direction) during UPB-fs-LAL line-by-line scanning. Marangoni flow generated during UPB-fs-LAL induces bubble movements. Fast scanning (e.g. 1mms-1) allows a long bubble movement (as long as 2mm), while slow scanning (e.g. 0.1mms?1) prevents bubble movements. When persistent bubbles grow considerably (e.g. hundreds of microns in diameter) due to incubation effects, they become sticky and can cause both gas-phase and liquidphase laser ablation in the central and peripheral regions of the persistent bubbles. This generates low/high/ultrahigh spatial frequency laser-induced periodic surface structures (LSFLs/HSFLs/ UHSFLs) with periods of 550–900, 100–200, 40–100 nm, which produce complex hierarchical surface structures. A period of 40 nm, less than 1/25th of the laser wavelength (1030 nm), is the finest laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) ever created on silicon. The NIR-MIR reflectance/transmittance of fan-shaped hierarchical structures obtained by UPB-fs-LAL at a small line interval (5 μm versus 10 μm) is extremely low, due to both their extremely high light trapping capacity and absorbance characteristics, which are results of the structures’ additional layers and much finer HSFLs. In the absence of persistent bubbles, only grooves covered with HSFLs with periods larger than 100 nm are produced, illustrating the unique attenuation abilities of laser properties (e.g. repetition rate, energy, incident angle, etc) by persistent bubbles with different curvatures. This research represents a straightforward and cost-effective approach to diversifying the achievable hierarchical micro/nanostructures for a multitude of applications.
针对IP over WDM网络, 基于多跳光旁路和流量疏导, 以减少能耗为目标对网络链路配置进行设计; 考虑多跳光旁路会增大业务传输距离的问题, 分析了光路建立顺序对业务传输距离的影响; 通过优先路由短距离业务和限制最大传输跳数来减少业务的平均传输跳数。仿真结果表明, 优先建立短距离光路的启发式算法与Dijkstra算法相比可以减少25%~55%的能耗, 业务平均物理跳数与Dijkstra算法相差在1跳之内。
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