An Improved Quality Function Deployment(QFD) Model

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By introducing sequential and logical relationship factors into ASI (American SuppliersInstitute) Clausing/Makabe-QFD Model, a more practical model of QFD (Quality FunctionDeployment) is presented. Based on that the quality requirements are converted into designspecifications and technical measures step by step in this model, logical relationship factors canclassify the related Hows (how to do, the quality measures) into groups, each of which should belogical to individual What (what to do, the quality goal). Sequential factors can express theimplementing sequence of Hows. A feasibility evaluation method is proposed to eliminate the inferiorgroups of Hows. This improved QFD model can provide enough information to produce a practicalquality plan. By introducing sequential and logical relationship factors into ASI (American Suppliers Institute) Clausing / Makabe-QFD Model, a more practical model of QFD (Quality Function Deployment) is presented. Based on that the quality requirements are converted into designspecifications and technical measures step by step in this model, logical relationship factors canclassify the related Hows (how to do, the quality measures) into groups, each of which should belogical to individual What (what to do, the quality goal) feasibility evaluation method is proposed to eliminate the inferior groups of Hows. This improved QFD model can provide enough information to produce a practicalquality plan.
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