微软的上诉判下来了;联邦上诉法院i^定.微软有垄断行为,但处罚结果无效,退回一审法院重审。微软至少暂时没青被拆散的可能了。 法官一纸判浃.几家欢乐几家愁。如果你有大把韵微软股票.绝对地应该是“自日放歌须纵酒”·微软前股票价格陡然上升不少。蓑国大法官福承摩斯l与英国夫侦探同姓)曾经说过: 财产是迭律的产物”。
Microsoft’s appeal was sent to the court; the Federal Court of Appeal decided that Microsoft had a monopoly but the penalty was invalid and it was returned to the court of first instance for retrial. Microsoft has at least temporarily no chance of being dismantled. The judge judged a piece of paper. Several families were happy. If you have a lot of rhyme Microsoft stocks. Absolutely should be “Song from the day to drink wine” Microsoft’s stock prices have risen sharply before a lot. The judge of Fu Guomoosi and the detective with the surname of the British detective once stated that: “Property is the product of superposition.”