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在19世纪六十年代,清政府中的有识之士掀起了一场“师夷长技以自强”的洋务运动,洋务派创办近代军事工业、民用工业,举办新式学堂,选派留学生出国深造,积极筹划海防,轰轰烈烈,成为19世纪中后期中国历史上的一次改革运动.而以大学士倭仁为首的顽固派却凭借传统文化对国人的深厚影响.顽固地反对西学的传播,从而引发了一场激烈的争论.面对顽固派的挑战,洋务派的回答是:中国的封建传统制度是完美的.但西方的科学技术也是先进的,在不触动封建制度的前提下,应该学习西方先进的科学技术,使二者结合起来.这就是所谓的“中学为体,西学为用”主张.它以“体用”、“本末”的关系,努力论证中西文化可以相容,可以互补,努力论证中国固有的文化可以通过采纳西学而增益新知、焕发生机.虽然,洋务派的这一观点有它天生的缺陷.但他们积极主张学习别人的长处.以补己短,从而达到强本固体的做法,不啻为提倡革新.反对一味守旧的一种文化新论,值得我们深思.在当今中国即将进入21世纪,逐步迈向现代化之际.我们应如何面对西方文明?更重要的是,我们又该如何看侍传统文化在现代化过程中的作用和地位呢, In the 1860s, the people of insight in the Qing government set off a Westernization Movement that “taught the nation to develop its own self-reliance.” The Westernization Movement established the modern military industry and civilian industry, held new-style schools, sent students abroad for further studies, Actively planning Haiphong, vigorous and vigorous, becoming a reform movement in the history of China in the mid-to-late 19th century, and the die-hards led by the major of Japanese studies, Ren Waren, relied on the profound influence of traditional culture on the Chinese people and stubbornly opposed the spread of Western learning, In response to the challenge of the die-hards, the Westernizationist replied: China’s feudal traditional system is perfect, but the western science and technology are also advanced. Without prejudicing the feudal system, it should learn from advanced Western Science and technology, so that the two combine.This is the so-called “middle school for the body, Western learning for.” It “body”, “the end of the” relationship, efforts to demonstrate that Chinese and Western cultures can be compatible, can complement each other, and efforts to demonstrate China’s inherent culture can be revitalized through the adoption of Western learning, although this view of the Westernizationists has its inherent flaws, but they actively advocate learning from others Strengths to make up for the short, so as to achieve a solid solid practice, not to promote innovation .On the conservative culture of a new theory, it is worth pondering .In China today is about to enter the 21st century, and gradually toward modernization .We How should we face the Western civilization? More importantly, how should we look at the role and status of traditional culture in the process of modernization?
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