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  Exams are among some of the most difficult things that we face in life. If you are about to sit for exams and need some words of encouragement before a test then do read on. Let me start by saying that I hope you have done your part and have been studying. There is really no amount of encouragement that can make up for not studying. If I told you things would be fine when you had not been studying I would be lying.
  If you have been studying then you have nothing to worry about. What you should know is that you will never be asked questions that are outside your syllabus (教學大纲). Being fearful has been known to cause people to temporarily forget things that they know, especially during exams. So you can do yourself a favor by taking it easy.
  When you get the question paper, do not rush to answer it.
  Go through each question carefully and make sure you understand it. Make a note of the ones that you find easy and start with those. As long as you number them correctly there is no hard and fast rule about which question you should start with. Those are words of encouragement before a test that I hope you remember.
  If you meet with any question that you are blank on, skip it and move on to the next one. There is no use wasting time trying to recall something that you do not clearly remember.
Respecting Students’lndividuality
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Fluency and accuracy are both important in language teaching, especially while teaching communication. Fluency focuses (关注) mainly on effective communication without considering grammatical mistakes a
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导读:越南64岁的老人Thai Ngoc,自从1973年高烧退后,夜晚就再也没有睡着觉过。在将近15000个夜晚中,他数过无数次的羊,但还是睡不着。经检查,虽然夜夜不眠,但是他的各项身体健康指数一切正常,除了肝功能有点不良。Thai Ngoc居住在山脚下的农地里,每天打理庄稼,饲养猪鸡,生活一切正常,还利用不眠之夜建造了两个池塘来养鱼。  Thai Ngoc, a Vietnamese farme
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Every few years comes a fitness development that has people scratching their heads in amazement. “Crunning” will probably be one of them. In case you are wondering, the “c” stands for “crawling”. Yes,
你知道吗?苏尧然爷爷花了40多年的时间,从世界各海域搜集了1200多种贝螺精品。  星期五下午,神韵贝螺馆的馆长苏爷爷走进了浙江温州市城南小学,在电教室为同学们带来了一场精彩的贝螺知识讲座。下面,让我们随学校六(3)班的两位小记者陈子晏、刘果一起去瞧瞧吧。  在电教室里,无数贝螺被摆放在造型不一的架子上或铺着蓝色桌布的讲台上。它们有大有小,种类繁多,但外表都非常光滑,泛着自己独特的光泽。  苏爷爷
圣诞节前夕,小科林的心情非常沉重,因为没有下雪。除此之外还有另外一个原因。七天前他的父亲出海捕鱼,至今没有回来。  科林朝山上的灯塔看去,一场暴风雨摧毁了灯塔的电线,明亮的灯塔之光已经熄灭。七天了,没有灯光给他父亲的渔船指示方向。  “科林,我们需要泥炭来生火。”科林一回家,母亲就对他说,“家里的泥炭已经烧完,并且快到点亮圣诞蜡烛的时间了。”“我不太关心点亮蜡烛的事,妈妈!”科林回答。  “是,我